Wednesday, February 10, 2010


How could we come to India without going to see a Bollywood movie? The movie industry is HUGE here, and I must say, they do a great job. Shrikant, Charanya, Sandhya, and Shuba (from the Eye Institute) decided to take us to a movie. We told them it didn’t matter that the movie would be in Hindi with no sub titles. We would watch the movie and give them our version of the story at the end. It was hilarious.

The movie was a comedy/drama/love triangle story called Ishqiya which means love (only in Bollywood!). The bad guy was after two brothers for something they had done and was going to shoot them in their own grave that they had just dug for themselves. Of course they got away and the bad guy kept chasing them. The brothers end up at this safe house place run by a beautiful young woman who both brothers fall for, hence the love triangle. The plot thickens when the bag of money they took from the bad guy disappears. Bladi, blah, blah………suddenly there are all sorts of folks chasing each other around trying to find the money. An ex husband of the love interest appears. Etc. etc. The brothers have a fistfight over the woman who ends up driving off in the car while they fight. It was hilarious how close we were to guessing the plot. In the end the three of them survive and all the bad guys die when the safe house burns down (except for the original bad guy who really turns out to be a wimp). We had a great laugh.

We will try to see at least one more traditional musical Bollywood film before we leave.

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