Sunday, August 21, 2011

Monster Storm

Don't know how many of you have been through a real perfect storm in your lives, but we had that experience on our drive home from Chicago (this one is different from the tornadic winds that came through our neighborhood in May - see Destruction and Construction post in May). We watched the lightening in the distant clouds for about 60 miles as we headed by car southeast out of Chicago. We kept wondering if we would actually miss the storm or go through it. are the videos. Hang on to your hats as this is the biggest gully washer we have ever been through in our lives...........and in a car, on the highway, at night!!!!!!! We just kept hoping a big tornado wouldn't come down to really wreck our evening as we were out in the middle of nowhere in the DARK!! Auntie Em!!!!!

As we headed towards the storm from just south east of Chicago.

So, this is when it starts to get REALLY scary. We haven't been driving at night in one this scary since moving to the midwest over 10 years ago.

We both gave a huge sigh of relief once we came out the other side of this storm. It took a total of about 30 minutes from entry to exit of the really bad stuff, even though we watched it for at least 1 hour before we even entered it. The car radio finally told us there had been over 3 inches of rain in less than an hour and we were right in the middle of it. 4 more inches were expected throughout the night! There were flash flood warnings for exactly where we were. Good thing we were up on the highway and not on a surface road or we would be under water in this flat farmland. Never a dull moment here in the Land of Oz!

Late summer fun coming next..........if we survive this weather :o)