Friday, December 21, 2012


Let it snow! Let it snow! LET IT SNOW! 

As we went to bed last night the white stuff started falling. I ran outside to get a photo of our house, with Christmas lights for the first time since our remodel. 


 .........and, the first snow for the chicken coop too............(notice the chicken wreath with eggs attached. Our neighbor gave us this to help induce egg laying. We shall see if Santa brings us any for Christmas).
When we got up this morning, we had about 4 inches.............a great way to start the winter solstice.
When we went to let the chickens out of their coop, we discovered the snow had drifted to about 8 inches deep in their run (we had very high winds last night too). I opened the door to their sleeping quarters and they all looked outside, then at me like I was CRAZY to think they were coming out there. It was hilarious. It's the first time they have seen snow so I decided I would try to get some of it out of the run to see if they might be coaxed into coming out of the coop................

 .............No Way Baby! We are too chicken!!! :o)
As most of you know, today is also The End Of The World As We Know It, The Rapture, Dooms Day, etc., etc............we prefer to look at it as The New Awakening, and boy don't we need one in this world! We will be hosting a dinner tonight to celebrate. Hopefully we will all still be here tomorrow and with a new outlook on life. Fingers crossed! tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.............
10pm and Alex, Rowan and I are still here :o)
Happy Hoildays & Peace On Earth (please!)