Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Digs

Here is an update on what's been happening during the last 10 days.

We have finished moving everything out of the living room, dining room and kitchen. It's a miracle we have been able to store everything (except the couch) in other parts of the house, which will save us a chunk of money otherwise spent on renting a storage space. Believe me, now that all of the estimates have come in, we are hacking away at saving every penny we can (I REALLY want a new stove for the kitchen if we have any cash left after the build :o) ).

Here are some photos of the final move and our new living space:

For protection, we are covering all of the wood floors with a layer of red rosin paper, cardboard and then OSB board on top of that.

The kitchen floor will be covered the same way. I have started taking some of the cabinets out too.
The doorways to the hallway, kitchen and washroom will be sealed off from the bedrooms and bathrooms to help protect us from the demolition noise and dust (yeah, right!). I am screwing a layer of blue foam, plywood, tape and plastic to the door frames to seal us off.

Here are some shots of our new digs. We have set up the kitchen and living room in the basement (we added a stainless steel sink last year in preparation). It is all working out pretty well, so we think we may survive trying to live here while half of our house is torn away (who needs clean clothes anyway?....).

So, all of you know by now how much I love to cook. Well, this new situation presents a challenge as the stove is currently being stored in the garage. To solve this problem, we went out and bought a new grill last weekend. We had intended to use our camp stove, but we will need a new grill for the new grill chimney on our new front porch anyway, and since they are all on sale right now, it was the right thing to do. We got a steal deal on a new grill that includes a burner on one side, so I am still able to cook some pretty tasty morsels.

Here is my first try at coq au vin with mashed potatoes using the new grill. Yummy!

Also included is a delicious heirloom tomato. It looks like we will not starve :o)

Get ready for some MAJOR demolition in my next post.