Wednesday, January 13, 2010

California - First stop Stockton

We boarded our flight to Oakland at 6am January 4th. Not knowing what to expect since there is now "heightened security", we packed for our months stay using only roll-aboard suitcases and a small backpack each. We will see how traveling light for a long stay will work, as we will try to travel this way to India as well. We zipped right on through security at the Indy airport as if nothing had really changed. Just shows how hysterical news reports can cause unnecessary stress. Our first week was spent in Stockton with Jenni's parents. Jenni and her dad had great fun watching many college football games just like old times. We had a fabulous time eating great food (seems like this will be a theme during our travels!) and spending time with lots of Jenni's cousins (see photo). We are lucky to have a family that enjoys each other and loves to spend time together.
We didn't rent a car for this trip to see how life without one would be (we have no plans to have one in India either). We boarded the BART train back to El Cerrito on Jan. 8. I'll pick up from there in my next blog.