Sunday, April 17, 2011

Raising a Fist & Be Our Guest

It didn't take long for the snow to follow us home from Canada. After only one day back, our local weather returned to winter. Well, don't think for one minute a little snow and freezing rain would keep our local folks from coming out into the streets of Btown to continue the labor law protests (and other local issues) during a visit from our governor, Mitch Daniels (R), who came here to speak to our local chamber of commerce. For those of you in the USA that are reading this, get ready............Mitch will surely be running for president against Obama in the next election. This is why he is trying to table anything controversial going on in our state at the moment. He is against our state house and senate members (taken over by republicans/tea party in the last election) trying to push through anything controversial. However, they continue to stir things up, prompting protests all over the state. It is such an interesting dynamic. He really agrees with his party, but won't publicly admit it. When is honesty and integrity going to return to politics.............UGH! I won't go on, and believe me I DO have an opinion! :o)

Here are some us as we begin to gather in front of the convention center waiting for the governor to arrive.

Of course the governor came in the back door to avoid 'the people' out front. My friends Bob, Lynn and I were working on getting arrested as we went into the lobby of the center to see where all the 'important people' were. We could see them arriving in the back and being protected by the police as they entered. We were told we could not be in the lobby and were asked to leave. As the police started to approach us, we very quickly exited the lobby and went back out into the cold, snowy street. THEY ARE ALL COWARDS! :o)

Me, Bob & Lynn.

Now, back to something that doesn't raise my blood pressure as much as politics - The House!
We had 10 days after our return from Canada to get the guest room ready for my sisters visit. She is coming from Seattle to go to the opera with us for her birthday. We will get to spend five days together and we are really looking forward to it. We had to move many boxes of books and assorted other items out of the guest room before we could get to the painting, etc. I had retextured all of the walls to match the original plaster walls and then added new paint.

The new pine bed frame needed staining too, so I was doing that in the garage in between the painting.

We got that whole project done with two days to spare before my sister arrived. Believe it or not, this is the last room that needed painting in the house. It feels good to know at least that part of the inside work is done. Only some window trim painting to go!

On to the next post...........

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